TikTok and Mental Health

HELP! Tiktok says I have ________!

If you are on social media, chances are, you’ve seen one of the MANY videos highlighting mental health services, diagnoses, and advocacy. As an example, a recent trend that I’ve come across suggests that sitting in a “W-shaped position” is a definite sign that you have Autism. It should be noted that this is largely inaccurate. While there are countless benefits of the increased social awareness and access to mental health information and services, there are also drawbacks, several of which have been highlighted below.


  • Over the course of the pandemic, mental health services have been highlighted and have resulted in a greater acceptance for mental health treatment.

  • Accessibility of information has sky-rocketed and has led to an increase in awareness.

  • Increased access to affordable care and recognition of symptoms which results in individuals seeking appropriate treatment and diagnoses. 

  • Provides validation for those who may feel as though they’re suffering alone, thus creating community.


  • MUCH of the information being shared is incorrect/inaccurate.

  • Inaccurate information is resulting in over-reporting and an increase in exaggerated symptoms or anxiety.

  • Much of the information provided lacks comprehensive information to support a true diagnosis. 

  • Being on social media is also associated with damage to mental health.

Overall, the increased access and awareness of information has resulted in many positive outcomes. However, much of the information should not be considered in isolation and should be cautiously contemplated. If you believe that you are at risk for or are meeting criteria for a disorder or diagnosis, please consider consulting with a licensed professional. We look forward to working with our families, validating your concerns, and ultimately providing you with useful answers that can benefit you and increase your quality of life. But for now, I wish you health, wealth, and prosperity! HAPPY BROWSING!